Eesti - Gruusia
Tallinn, 07-Feb-25
List of winners complete
Kr-r - Greco roman (10 Participants) 
List of winners72828797130Club-Results
Single results72828797130
Competition sheet (PDF)72828797130
72 kgKr-r2 Participants
1.Artur JeremejevEstonia
2.Nika KorshiaGeorgia
82 kgKr-r2 Participants
1.Ekke Kõu LeithamEstonia
2.Beka GuruliGeorgia
87 kgKr-r2 Participants
1.Iago GobadzeGeorgia
2.Andreas VälisEstonia
97 kgKr-r2 Participants
1.Richard KarelsonEstonia
2.Saba PirtseladzeGeorgia
130 kgKr-r2 Participants
1.Eerik PankEstonia
2.Rati TalikishviliGeorgia
[Mat status][Overview][Recent Tournaments]
Updated: 07.02.25 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)