Kolding Cup 2025
Sydbank Arena, 18-01-2025
Wrestler informations
WrestlerIsabell AppelnhansNUMBER COMPETITORS4
ClubTV- Meppen 1912 e.V.Number of Matches3
District Number of wins0
CategoryGirls - U15Class. Points0 : 12
Weight11kgTechnical points0 : 37
Ranking4.Born in-
Wrestler red / AREA FEDERATIONWrestler blue / AREA FEDERATIONPoints systemT. Point
N. 1st round
Isabell Appelnhans
TV- Meppen 1912 e.V.
Tereza Michnova
Team Kladno
GS 0:40 : 10
N. 2nd round
Frøydis Bergseth Bangsmoen
Team South Norway
Isabell Appelnhans
TV- Meppen 1912 e.V.
GS 4:013 : 0
N. 3nd round
Linn Slåbakk Sehl
Snøgg Bryting
Isabell Appelnhans
TV- Meppen 1912 e.V.
GS 4:014 : 0

[Overview] [Aktuelle Turniere]

Updated: 18.01.25 19.01 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)