Nordic Championships U17 and U20
Helsingborg, 04.-2024-05-05
Helsingborg, 04.-2024-05-05 
List of winners40434649535761656973Club-Results
Single results40434649535761656973
Competition sheet (PDF)40434649535761656973
List of winners454851556065718092110Club-Results
Single results454851556065718092110
Competition sheet (PDF)454851556065718092110
List of winners556063677277828797130Club-Results
Single results556063677277828797130
Competition sheet (PDF)556063677277828797130
Club-Results All
Club-Results Kvinnliga
Club-Results Männer
List of winners as text file (tab separated)List of winners as text fileSingle matches
List of winners as PDF file All matches (PDF) 
District points
Teilnehmerzahlen Je LO GR17Länderwertung GR17
Teilnehmerzahlen Je LO GR20Länderwertung GR20
Teilnehmerzahlen Je LO WW17Länderwertung WW17
Match list NoMatch ListBeginning
15Match list 15 - FINALS U20 (finished)
14Match list 14 (finished)
13Match list 13 (finished)
12Match list 12 (finished)
11Match list 11 (finished)
10Match list 10 - U20 (finished)
9Match list 9 - FINALS U17 (finished)
8Match list 8 (finished)
7Match list 7 (finished)
6Match list 6 (finished)
5Match list 5 (finished)
4Match list 4 (finished)
3Match list 3 (finished)
2Match list 2 (finished)
1Match list 1 (finished)
[Mat status][Overview][Recent Tournaments]
Updated: 05.05.24 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)