58. Vändra matt & laste seeriavõistlus
Vändra, 13-Apr-24
Vändra, 13-Apr-24 
Laste seeriavõistlus
List of winners22273237424752576275Club-Results
Single results22273237424752576275
Competition sheet (PDF)22273237424752576275
List of winners6067778797Club-Results
Single results6067778797
Competition sheet (PDF)6067778797
U15 P09-12
List of winners38414448525763687585Club-Results
Single results38414448525763687585
Competition sheet (PDF)38414448525763687585
N 12->
List of winners2327323742475262Club-Results
Single results2327323742475262
Competition sheet (PDF)2327323742475262
Club-Results All
Club-Results Maadlus
Club-Results Greco-Roman
Club-Results Tüdrukud
List of winners as text file (tab separated)List of winners as text fileSingle matches
List of winners as PDF file All matches (PDF) 
Match list NoMatch ListBeginning
28C 11 (finished)
27C 10 (finished)
26C 9 (finished)
25B 7 (finished)
24C 8 (finished)
23C 7 (finished)
22C 6 (finished)
21C 5 (finished)
20C 4 (finished)
19B 6 (finished)
18A 9 (finished)
17A 8 (finished)
16A 7 (finished)
15A 6 (finished)
14C 3 (finished)
13B 5 (finished)
12A 5 (finished)
11B 4 (finished)
10A 4 (finished)
9C 3 (finished)
8A 3 (finished)
7B 3 (finished)
6C 2 (finished)
5B 2 (finished)
4A 2 (finished)
3C 1 (finished)
2B 1 (finished)
1A 1 (finished)
[Mat status][Overview][Recent Tournaments]
Updated: 13.04.24 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)