Venne Cup 2023
Sportscenter Herning, 18-11-2023
Wrestler informations
WrestlerRoumisa Mirzaei GcNUMBER COMPETITORS3
ClubBK Thrott Number of Matches2
District Number of wins0
CategoryPiger/kvinderClass. Points0 : 9
Weight29kgTechnical points4 : 26
Ranking3.Born in-
Wrestler red / AREA FEDERATIONWrestler blue / AREA FEDERATIONPoints systemT. Point
N. 1st round
Roumisa Mirzaei Gc
BK Thrott
Leonie Kreiselmeier
AE Grimmen
VT 0:54 : 16
N. 2nd round
Maja Schuck
AE Grimmen
Roumisa Mirzaei Gc
BK Thrott
GS 4:010 : 0

[Overview] [Aktuelle Turniere]

Updated: 18.11.23 15.21 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)