Eesti meistrivõistlused rannamaadluses
Pärnu, 27.07.2024
Pärnu, 27.07.2024 
Laste KV tüdrukud
List of winners25303540455055Club-Results
Single results25303540455055
Competition sheet (PDF)25303540455055
Laste KV poisid
List of winners20253035404550556070Club-Results
Single results20253035404550556070
Competition sheet (PDF)20253035404550556070
U17 noormehed
List of winners50607080Club-Results
Single results50607080
Competition sheet (PDF)50607080
List of winners708090130Club-Results
Single results708090130
Competition sheet (PDF)708090130
List of winners50607090Club-Results
Single results50607090
Competition sheet (PDF)50607090
U17 neiud
List of winners40506070Club-Results
Single results40506070
Competition sheet (PDF)40506070
Club-Results All
Club-Results Tüdrukud
Club-Results Poisid
Club-Results EMV
List of winners as text file (tab separated)List of winners as text fileSingle matches
List of winners as PDF file All matches (PDF) 
Match list NoMatch ListBeginning
27Ring B 13 (finished)
26Ring B 12 (scheduled)
25Ring A 13 (finished)
24Ring A 12 (finished)
23Ring B 11 (finished)
22Ring B 10 (finished)
21Ring B 9 (finished)
20Ring A 11 (finished)
19Ring A 10 (finished)
18Ring A 9 (finished)
17Ring B 8 (finished)
16Ring A 8 (finished)
15Ring B 7 (finished)
14Ring A 7 (finished)
13Ring B 6 (finished)
12Ring A 6 (finished)
11Ring A 30kg (finished)
10Ring B 5 (finished)
9Ring A 5 EMV (finished)
8Ring A 4 (finished)
7Ring B 4 EMV (finished)
6Ring B 3 (finished)
5Ring A 3 (finished)
4Ring B 2 (finished)
3Ring A 2 (finished)
2Ring B 1 (finished)
1Ring A 1 (finished)
[Mat status][Overview][Recent Tournaments]
Updated: 29.07.24 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)