Eesti MV maadluses
Märjamaa, 28.08.2021
Wrestler informations
WrestlerEkke Kõu LeithamNUMBER COMPETITORS8
ClubTallinn Wrestling AcademyNumber of Matches1
District Number of wins0
CategoryKreeka-rooma maadlusClass. Points0 : 5
Weight72kgTechnical points3 : 3
Ranking8.Born in-
Wrestler red / AREA FEDERATIONWrestler blue / AREA FEDERATIONPoints systemT. Point
1/4 final
Robert Mhitarjan
MK Aberg
Ekke Kõu Leitham
Tallinn Wrestling Academy
VT 5:03 : 3
[Overview][Aktuelle Turniere]
Updated: 28.08.21 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)